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AILINEA LEATHERWORKS is a one-woman shop based in Durham, North Carolina where I make my leather goods from start to finish entirely by hand. From creating my own patterns, to hand-stitching each piece, and putting on the finishing touches, I invest my time in producing high-quality goods that are always unique and never mass-produced.


As an award-winning cosplayer, AILINEA began as an interest in adding another technique to my costuming skillset. I always enjoyed the feel and smell of genuine leather, and quickly discovered the satisfaction of creating small leather goods. Design inspiration continued to strike, and friends and coworkers expressed interest in my items, so creating a shop to sell my goods was a natural next step.


By day I am a marketing professional, and by night I enjoy spending time in my workshop, playing video games, or watching/reading sci-fi/fantasy. My designs are intended to be fashionable and functional, with a touch of luxury, and are often inspired by geek culture.

Leather Working Tools
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